Meet Mona


I’ve seen too many brilliant, high achieving women of colour stay in unfulfilling jobs out of fear and desperation.

Deep down you want to be your own boss and create an online business that will allow you to make a positive impact.

But, right now lack of clarity and courage are keeping you stuck.

I know that place. Years ago I started a few side gigs that didn’t produce success. I’ve since realized one big mistake — I hadn’t made my business a top priority.

Stepping fully into my power energized my business. And with strategic support, it took off!

Combined with my marketing expertise and experience put me in the perfect position to share what I now know with aspiring women. Now, I help ambitious WOC like you to become an empowering force and launch a lucrative online business.

Are you ready to make your business a top priority? 

Don’t do it alone (that’s another lesson I’ve learned.) You deserve a success partner to support and guide your launch. I’d love to work with you.

Let’s explore your best ideas then craft a unique business model and marketing strategy that’s well aligned with your vision.


Mona’s Professional Background and Education

Take 4 Steps to Launch a Lucrative Online Business You’ll Love