Episode 2: Top 3 Myths WOC Struggle With in Starting Their Online Business


In this episode, we’re talking about the top 3 myths WOC struggle with starting an online business.

Here we go …

Myth#1: You need a lot of money to start your online business

This is a myth that stops so many WOC to take the leap of starting an online business.  Sure you need some money to start your business, but in reality, you can start any business with as much or as little money as you want.  In many cases, a large investment, in the beginning, may not be a good idea. Starting small will give you the chance to test your idea, perfect it, and scale as you grow.

So before you let this myth paralyze you, allow yourself to just go ahead and work on your business.  Don’t worry about the money just yet.  No amount of money will help you if you don’t have a viable business idea.  Work on that dream for now and watch the possibilities show up in your life

Myth#2: You need to know everything about running an online business

Starting and running your online business will give you the opportunity to be resourceful, maximize your existing skills, and acquire some new ones.  But that’s no different than what you’ve been doing all your life!

For example, think about your current role, did you know everything about the job on day one?  Likely not! But you didn’t let that stop you. Running your online business will not be any different. You will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to increase your confidence as an online business owner.  And for those skills that you don’t have the time to master, you can always outsource it for a small fee.

So before you let this myth stop you, allow yourself to visualize your dream business and get a clear picture of what it would look like.  This process will help you understand some of the things that you are comfortable doing, the tasks that you need to refresh on, and the tasks that you’ll need to outsource.

Myth#3: You have to wait for the right time to start your online business

This is a myth that stops so many WOC to prioritize their business.

When it comes to starting a business there’s never the right time!

Waiting for the “right time” may never happen. If you have the desire and the vision, NOW is the right time! Use this as an indicator to propel you forward to launch your online business.

Some of the great advantages of owning a business and being your own boss are that you’ll have the freedom and the flexibility to set-up your business to suit your lifestyle.  With your online business, you’ll have the freedom to choose when, where, and how you want to work.

Now that we’ve busted these myths, what steps are you going to take to make your online business happen?


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