Episode 4: You Got This! Tapping Into Your Unique Gifts for Your Business


Do you know that we’re all born with a set of unique talents and special gifts? Gifts that no one else has but you. There’s only one you in the entire universe.

The truth is that we all have specific purposes for being here. Our desires, dreams, and ambitions are directly related to that purpose. And our innate gifts, talents, strengths, and abilities are there to support us with our purpose.

One of my favorite authors and spiritual leader, Eckhart Tolle says: “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!”

That’s how we’re all connected to one another. You carry within you certain unique qualities and attributes that contribute to society. Your life matters – your business matters – everything you do has an impact.

So how do you determine your unique gifts? and how do you apply it to your life and business? at a young age, we are taught to focus on improving our weaknesses. When we get feedback, the thing that we hear the most is what we need to improve … all
the things we are not good at! But that’s not where the magic is.

The magic is in owning and magnifying your strengths. Recognizing our talents and gifts is what sets us apart from everyone else. It’s what will give you the confidence to do things your own way and not be afraid to create your own path that’s different from everyone else. Whatever you do, your uniqueness adds colour, texture, flavour, and emotion to your life, your business, and the lives of everyone around you.

To discover your unique talents and special gifts, consider this:

1. Think of when you were a child, how did you spend most of your free time? What did you enjoy doing? What types of activities were exciting to you?
2. What lights you up and gets you motivated? What activities do you love so much so that you lose track of time?

How to Apply Your Special Gifts:

It’s important to get familiar with your zone of genius. the thing that you are the best at and fully own it! How you show up in the world is special and unique. Everything you do is uniquely yours – your general demeanor, your smile, how people feel around you is truly unique, and your undeniable gift.

The more you apply your whole self into your business the more authentic your business will be. You will be able to resonate with your target market – they will be able to relate to you, trust you, and feel that they’re part of your journey and brand.

Start listening to your gifts, strengths, talents, today – Pay close attention to your zone of genius and what brings you joy, then sprinkle it in everything you do.

Now I’d love to hear from you! How are you showing-up BIG’N BOLD this week?

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