90 Minutes to Business Clarity and Smart Action
with Mona Abow, Business Strategist for WOC
These strategy sessions are perfect for bite-sized brainstorms or removing obstacles in the way of your forward action, such as:
- Choosing/refining your business idea
- Identifying your niche and product/service offerings
- Crafting your core message and tagline
- Creating pricing strategy to communicate brand image and value
- Constructing a lean start-up business model
- Coaching through overcoming doubt, finding courage, going beyond limiting beliefs or money mindset issues
- Brainstorming irresistible offers for your target market
- Suggestion on creating effective social marketing strategy to authentically connect with your target market
- Planning your transition from your job to full time business owner
- Or ... picking my brain about a specific topic on business, marketing or mindset.
You don’t have to figure this all out by yourself. Imagine … no more feeling lost and stuck.
When you invest in your success you make a quantum leap.
In this session you’ll get:
- 90 minutes of private business coaching with me
- Pre-session assignment that seeds our strategy
- A session recap of key points and next steps
Let's do this!
I can’t wait to meet you and see you take leaps in your business!