
Helping ambitious entrepreneurs
to become empowering force and
launch an impactful businesses
they'll love.

How much longer will you hold yourself back from
starting your dream business?

You are multi talented and have accomplished so much in your life already.

Yet you’ve been longing to be your own boss.

You want to empower others and become an example of excellence. 

You are meant for this!

But self-doubt stops you.

The idea of marketing, pricing, finding enough customers —all feel too complex.

I feel you. And, I know one thing for sure … 

you’ll suffer more if you don’t listen to the wise part of yourself that’s nudging you to take a leap of faith.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Shake off those fears and make space in your life for what you want most.

Start by Taking 4 Steps to Launch an Impactful Business You’ll Love!


Mindset Mastery Group Coaching


Elevate your Mindset to Transcend Challenges, Seize Opportunities, and Redefine What’s Possible

From the Boundless Mindset Podcast

Becoming Irresistible to your Audience

  Making your brand irresistible and getting your audience to fall in love with your business must be part of your daily strategy.  It’s not enough for your audience to have only heard of your brand once, you have to be in front of them consistently engaging, with them, offering value and sharing content.

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Episode 52: What’s in a Name?

    Finding the right business name is crucial for your business.  It can set the tone for your brand and help you resonate with your target market. Here are 6 things to keep in mind when choosing the best name for your business. 1. Keep it simple. Simple is good. You don’t want

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Episode 51: Living the Dream – Maxine Grant

    Maxine Grant has 15 years of experience in the marketing technology space, working in corporate Canada and always keeping her side hustle as a Graphic Designer, Project Manager, Special Events Manager, and Digital Marketer. She’s helped many owners of start-ups establish their businesses. In 2020, Maxine found herself downsized at the height

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Episode 50: Living the Dream – Abina Gilbert

    Growing up in Guyana with her single mother and seven siblings,  Abina appreciated the support her family received from the community.  As a family they were spared hunger and deprivation by the generosity and kindness of people in the community who helped them during those tough years. The experience had a lasting

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Episode 48: What To Do If Your StartUp Idea Already Exists

    So you’re feeling discouraged that someone else already started their business with your idea!  You think that maybe you’re too late and there’s nothing you can do about it, so you should just forget it! Before you give-up, hear me out … Competition is actually a good sign.  The fact that another

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Take 4 Steps to Launch a Lucrative Online Business You’ll Love